Useful Web Tool For Language Teaching: Nearpod


Nearpod is a web tool where teachers can prepare interactive presentations, lectures, videos, tests and such kind of activities. If you are going to use it in class, students can work collaboratively.
The students can draw and write on the presentations. They also can  answer the open sided questions aloud, make matches and etc.

➣ When we enter Nearpod, two options emerge for logging in. Teacher and student entrance.

 • Students can access the student entrance with a code that teachers provide after making the presentation.

After logging in, 
you can both use the previously prepared slides or create your own slide for your students in Nearpod. If you want to create your own slide, you should click on 'Create Your Own' on the menu. 

➣ To create slides on Nearpod, you should click on "Add File". Then you can start to prepare. 

➣ You can either create a new presentation or upload your own presentation from your computer by clicking on “upload files”. 

When you create your slide or transfer it from the computer, it will look like the following. You can either give live lessons or upload your presentation, and your students can watch it later.

➣ You can also see your previous presentations so that if you want, you can use them too.                                  

If you are in class and want yo open Nearpod from our smart board, or if you are on our own computers at home, you can start a live lesson and see how your students are progressing.

But if you give it as homework, we should click on “Student-Paced”. When we click on “Student-Paced”, a code that we can share with our students will appear. And the students have to use the code to log in to Nearpod.

(To see this part, you should put the mouse on the presentation and wait for a second.)  

Tips For Preparing Both Entertaining and Educational Slide Presentations

Tip #1: Add Activity

There are a lot of contents in the nearpod that can help the child interact with the lesson.
You can add some educational games, quizzes, tests, memory tests, some collaborative activities and etc. When we are editing our slides, we can add some activities into our slides by clicking “Add Files” and choosing “Add Activity”.

Time to climb: A game activity in which students rise as they know the words in the pictures. The questions don't have to be just about vocabulary.

Poll: It is an activity to highlight student opinions to activate their prior knowledge in a subject to provoke their interest in a lesson. They can also add choices. There is no right answer in those questions.

● This is an example from the "Drawing" section.

 In this page you can add some images that maybe asks some questions so that students can draw their answers on that image. 

You can also ask your question in the “Instructions” part.

If you do not want to put images, your students can draw their answers on the empty canvas.

You can also add timer for the task. So that you can see you students speed in that activity.

You can also add timer for the task. So that you can see you students speed in the activity. 

If you want, you can record your voice or speak lively. You can put extra images, videos, PDF Viewers and Web Contents too. 

!! When you finish editing, do not forget to save your presentation. Because if you don’t, all of the things that you have prepared, may gone.

Tip #2: Add Web Content

If you want to add web content, you should copy the URL address of it and paste it to the space on the screen. 

Seeing more Web content also allows students to learn extra information on that topic. So that they can improve themselves more.

Tip #3: Edit Your Slides

 You don't need to make your presentations enjoyable just by using “Add Files” option. When you click on your slide, you can edit your slides one by one. You can add background layer, audio and different typefaces. You can also layout your slides.
vBut do not forget to save your slide after finishing editing.

Tip #4: Add Content

You can transfer all the contents on the side from your computer and use them in your presentation.

After Finishing Presentation

After you have finished and saved your presentation, there is also a section where you can write details about your presentation, such as which class's lesson or which subject.
This is a very important feature for your presentations not to be confused.
