Useful Web Tools For Language Learning and Teaching: Storybird


 I think we all know the benefits of reading stories while learning a language. But think that you are writing a story while learning a language. I'm aware that it could be hard to write a story as a learner. But I think to learn something, it doesn't have to br related to language learning, you have to push, challenge yourself in some points. By writing stories you not only improve your writing skills but also your grammar. 

As a teacher, choosing the right stories for students to read is quite difficult. Because we can never find a story that contains exactly the information, usage and many things we want at the same time. So, why don't you write your own story? By writing your own story you can maintain more effective teaching learning process.  

➣ Storybird is a web tool that allows us to write, publish and print stories. You don't need to spend much effort to write and print a waste story because this web tool gives you all the possibilities. All you have to do is choosing a concept, writing your story and save it. There are also many inspirations that you can benefit from. You can both write, publish and read other users stories. You can like them and add to your bookshelf. By this way you can present your students variety of stories.

 This is my own story. I hope you like it and use it into your lessons :)

For detailed information about how to use Storybird, watch this video:

What are you waiting for? Start writing your own stories🚨🚨
