Use of Technology in Education: SAMR Model

 SAMR  Model

 SAMR model is a teaching tool which aims to provide effective learning in education by using the technology. As students become more interested and knowledgeable in technology, educators need to keep up with technological advances and have the skills to integrate technology into the classroom. Since SMAR is a model that shows how to integrate technology into education in order to ensure more effective learning in environments, educators should use this model in their lessons. 

➣ It consists of 4 steps. The first two stages are called the basic stage, and thanks to the technique, there is a functional development and improvement in education.

 Step #1: Substitution

  In this step, the new digital tool is used instead of the previously used tools, but nothing   different is expected from the students. For example; students write on the computer instead   of writing on a paper with their pen. Like this, minor but technological changes are made.

 Step #2: Augmentation

  In this step, digital tools replace previously used tools. There is a functional improvement,   for example, students complete a test or make an assignment on a computer and send it   digitally to their teachers.

 Step #3: Modification

   Computer use here has led to a change in education. The student has information about how   he learns, understands and thinks. In here, it is a matter of learning in a social environment by   exchanging ideas together. For example, students share an argument in an article they wrote   with pictures, movies and links to the world in a digital environment. By this way, it turns   into a social action where ideas, ideas and experiences are shared with others.

Step #4: Redefinition

  In this step, technology redefines education. There is a new kind of study. Students increase   their communication with others and become creative and innovative. At this stage,   homework leads to the student becoming a teacher somewhere. As a result of the homework,   it may be possible to inform others, explain and teach others. It is expected that the   information collected here will be presented in a new form. The computer is used to bring the   world to the classroom and open up to the world. Students can spread their knowledge,   feelings and thoughts and communicate with others via blogs or wikis. 

🔴The SAMR model is structured in these four stages and is founded by an American school researcher named Ruben R Puentedura. According to Ruben, every teacher should ask himself questions such as how can I make this lesson better, how can I make students enjoy learning. And so, the SAMR model emerged.

 ➣ The first two stages are called the basic stage, and thanks to the technique, there is a     functional development and improvement in education.

 ➣ In the other two stages, students actively work on the subject covered within the   framework of the assigned homework to get information.


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  2. That’s amazing and helped me a lot! Thank you:)

  3. this article is awesome thank u so much

  4. thank you so much for this useful article !


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