Useful Web Tools For Language Learning and Teaching: Padlet


Padlet is a digital platform that provides users a place, where users can post various content such as texts, images, videos and etc. It can be used for classrooms. One of the greatest features of Padlet for classroom use is the fact that at the same time, many students can post contents on the same board which is created by their teacher. This application is very suitable for collaborative work. This application not only supports in-class collaboration, but also makes it easier for the teacher to keep track of the classroom situation. 

How to create a board on padlet? After signing up, your main page will open. The picture on the right is my main page example.You can see my previous boards on padlet from this picture :) As you can read in the text in pink, it says create a Padlet. By clicking on it, you will be creating your own board for your students. When you click 'Create Padlet', it will ask you to choose a template. There are too many template options. Such as, a brick-like layout, canvas layout, easy to read, top-down form of information flow and etc. I have chosen shelf layout which stacks in a series of columns for the content.

This is the picture of the template options.

After choosing your template, you can share contents and subject 
titles. But start with typing the title of the board which will be the content of the board. Then, write the topic titles so that your students will understand the topic and share contents accordingly. You can also share content in your board too. You can customise your board as you wish. You can change the background image, the colour of the content boxes and also, you can ad an emoji! 

How to share the board we created? Padlet provides users with short links and QR codes that can be easily shared. In order to access a board, students should be given that QR code or link to access it from their phones, tablets or desktop computers while they are at home. You can find the QR code and the link on the right of the page. By clicking on settings. 

You can access my board on the link down below. If you have ideas, you can add to my board :)

Link of my own example:

Padlet ile yapıldı
